AC/DC and Guns'N Roses
AC/DC and Guns'N Roses
Guns'N Roses
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Guns'N Roses
Rock Forever
Axl Rose
Brian Johnson

Ksz, hogy benztl az oldalamra!!!!Ha tetszett gyere vissza mskor is:D!


Koncertek : 1992


  2006.03.17. 18:22


1992 janur 3. Baton Rouge, LSU Assembly Center 1992 janur 4. Biloxi, Mississippi Coast Coliseum (Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Move To The City, Don't Cry, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Obsession, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 janur 7. Memphis, The Pyramid 1992 janur 9. Houston, The Summit 1992 janur 10. Houston, The Summit 1992 janur 13. Dayton, Erwin-Nutter Center 1992 janur 14. Dayton, Erwin-Nutter Center (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Attitude, Instrumental Jam, So Fine, Welcome To The Jungle, Live And Let Die, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Move To The City, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Sweet Child O' Mine, Hotel California / Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Paradise City) Axl elvgja a kezt a mikrofonllvnnyal. Orvosi elltsa idejn Slash szrakoztatja a kznsget. Ezutn Slash s Gilby jam-je kvetkezik, majd a zenekar Axl nlkl eljtsza a 'So Fine'-t. Mikor Axl visszajn, flrertelmezve mindazt, amit Slash -polsa idejn- a kznsgnek mondott, Slash-t 'punk motherfucker'-nek nevezi. Erre Slash gy reagl: 'Sztrugom a szaros segged!' Ezt kveten a zenekar a 'Welcome To The Jungle'-t jtsza. A 'Double Talkin' Jive' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy a sajtban helytelenl jelent meg, hogy rgta ki Doug Goldstein-t. Axl a 'Sweet Child O' Mine' eltt elnzst kr a kznsgtl, hogy a koncert rvidebb lesz, mert a kezt ssze kell varrni. 1992 janur 21. Minneapolis, Target Center (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Nightrain, Don't Cry, Move To The City, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ez az els koncert, mita Axl megvgta magt. A 'Live and Let Die' flbeszakad, mg Axl kirgat egy ellenszenves rajongt. Slash elmondja, hogy legutbb 1987-ben jtszottak Minnesota-ban Alice Cooper elzenekaraknt. 1992 janur 22. Minneapolis, Target Center (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, So Fine, Nightrain, Don't Cry, Welcome To The Jungle, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Move To The City, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ez a koncert hajnali negyed egykor kezddtt s 2 ra 50 perckor rt vget. 1992 janur 25. Las Vegas, Thomas & Mack Center A 'Yesterdays'-nek ez a verzija szerepelt a B oldalon a dal kislemezn. Ezt az American Music Awards-on szintn bemutattk. A 'Paradise City' ezen koncerten felvett verzija szerepel a Live Era '87-'93 albumon. 1992 janur 27. San Diego, Sports Arena (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Nightrain, So Fine, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Don't Cry, Rocket Queen, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Move To The City, Hotel California / Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl beszl arrl, hogy mirt fontos 'killni amellett, amiben hiszel'. A 'Civil War' utn Axl elmondja, hogy 'az egyetlen dolog, ami kibaszhat a frfiainkkal, azok a nk.' Ksbb a Mtley Cre-t szidja s elmondja, hogy a Guns n' Roses eltlttt 10 vet Hollywood-ban azt nzve, hogy a Mtley Cre hogyan veszi le az embereket. 1992 janur 28. San Diego, Sports Arena (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Don't Cry, My Michelle, Nightrain, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Move To The City, You Could Be Mine, So Fine, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Yesterdays, Rocket Queen, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A 'Bad Obsession' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy a dalt West Arkeen-nel rtk, aki San Diego-bl szrmazik. Gnyosan hozzteszi: 'Ha itt vagy ma este West, akkor bocsi, de tegnap este nem lttalak.' A 'Don't Cry' elejn azt mondja: 'Jobb, ha pihentek egy kicsit, mert mg itt lesznk egy ideig.' A 'My Michelle' egy nagyszer verzija hangzik el, melyet a zenekar nem jtszott azta, hogy Gilby csatlakozott hozzjuk. 1992 janur 31. Chandler, Compton Terrace (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Welcome To The Jungle, You Could Be Mine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Bad Obsession, Civil War, November Rain, Sweet Child O' Mine) 1992 februr 1. Chandler, Compton Terrace (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, So Fine, Piano Solo, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Move To The City, Hotel California / Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl kifejti, hogy a Nirvana mirt sikeres zenekar. A 'Sweet Child O' Mine' eltt Axl a kvetkezkppen szl: 'Phoenix kirly, St. Louis kapja be!' 1992 februr 19. Toki, Toyko Dome (Coma, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Attitude, Welcome To The Jungle, Don't Cry, Piano Solo, November Rain, Nightrain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, You Could Be Mine, So Fine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A zenekar eladja a 'Coma'-t. Axl elmondja, hogy ezen a koncerten 5-szr annyian vannak, mint legutbb, mikor Tokiban jtszottak. A 'Double Talkin' Jive' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy a japn koncertszervezk hazudtak a zenekarnak a sznpadi kvetelmnyekrl, melyekhez a Guns n' Roses ragaszkodott. A 'Wild Horses'-t a zenakr a japn vmosoknak kldi. Axl megemlti, hogy nhny embernek meglehet a 'Don't Cry' egy rgi demkazettrl. 1992 februr 20. Toki, Toyko Dome (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Locomotive, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Don't Cry, Nightrain, So Fine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Move To The City, You Could Be Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A zenekar eladja a 'Locomotive'-ot. A 'Patience' utn Axl kzli, hogy felvteleket ksztenek a koncertrl, hogy azt ksbb felhasznlhassk egy koncertvideo ksztshez (br ksbb ezt a felvtelt nem hasznltk fel hozz). A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot a New Kids on the Block koncertszervezinek kldik illetve a biztonsgi szemlyzetknek. A koncert vgn Axl a kvetkezkppen szl: 'Ha a rendrsgetek egy kicsit is foglalkozik veletek, akkor tallkozunk szombaton (februr 22.). 1992 februr 22. Toki, Toyko Dome (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, It's So Easy, Bad Obsession, Attitude, Pretty Tied Up, Welcome To The Jungle, Don't Cry, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, So Fine, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], Move To The City, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ennek a koncertnek a felvteleit adja ki a Guns n' Roses videokazettn. Axl azt mondja, hogy a 'Don't Cry' az els olyan dal, amit a Guns n' Roses rt. 1992 prilis 1. Mexico City, Palacio De Los Deportes 1992 prilis 2. Mexico City, Palacio De Los Deportes (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Wild Horses [Intro], Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Piano Solo, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Don't Cry, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door) 1992 prilis 6. Oklahoma City, Myriad Arena (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Nightrain, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Piano Solo, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Bad Obsession, So Fine, Pretty Tied Up, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ennek a koncertnek a felvteleit elloptk a Guns n' Roses stbjtl. A 'Live And Let Die' eltt Axl azt mondja a kznsgnek, hogy azt csinlhatnak az letkkel, amit akarnak. Koncert kzben Axl nekel egy sort: 'Oklahoma, ahol a szl vgigseper a sksgon.' Ksbb ez a rsz az Oklahoma cm szndarab cmad dala lesz. 1992 prilis 9. Rosemont, Rosemont Horizon (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Piano Solo, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Coma, Don't Cry [w/ Shannon Hoon], Bad Obsession, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, So Fine, Move To The City, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Vendg: Shannon Hoon. A 'Live And Let Die' eltt Axl beszl arrl, hogy miket mondott a Rolling Stone magazinnak a gyerekkorrl. A 'November Rain' eltt Axl gy szl: 'gy fogom jtszani a dalt, mint ahogyan azt a Spin magazinban rtk: A fejemre hzok egy zskot s kiverem a farkam s megltjuk, hogy mi jn majd ki belle.' 1992 prilis 20. London, Wembley Stadion (Paradise City, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bohemian Rhapsody [Axl w/ Elton John & Queen], We Will Rock You [Axl w/ Queen], Tie Your Mother Down [Slash w/ Queen & Joe Elliot]) Freddie Mercury emlkkoncert. Axl tovbb eladja a 'Bohemian Rhapsody'-t Elton John-nal s a 'We Will Rock You'-t a Queen l tagjaival. Slash gitron jtszik a 'Tie Your Mother Down' alatt a Queen-nel. A zenekar eredetileg 3 dalt jtszott volna, de technikai problmk miatt csak kettre kerlt sor. Sokan kifogsoltk a Guns n' Roses fellpst, elssorban a 'One in a Million'-ban megfogalmazott rasszista gondolatok miatt. 1992 mjus 16. Slane, Slane Kastly (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Don't Cry, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Attitude, Welcome To The Jungle, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Paradise City) A 'Live And Let Die' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy a 'Paradise City' videoklipjt eredetileg rorszgban akartk forgatni. A 'Don't Cry' eltt Slash ezt mondja: 'Kibaszott napfnyben jtszani, ez j nekem!' Elton John a 'The One' cm dala vezeti fel a 'Sweet Child O' Mine'-t. Ezt a dalt Axl teljes hosszban szerette volna nekelni a trn sorn. 1992 mjus 20. Prga, Strahov Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Don't Cry [Alt. Lyrics], Bad Obsession, Nightrain, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, You Could Be Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) A 'Don't Cry' alt. lyrics verzija szl. A 'Civil War' utn Slash odalp a mikrofonhoz s azt mondja:'Mg akkor is, ha a legtbben kzletek nem tudnak angolul, n azrt jttem ide, hogy azt mondjam 'Hi!''. Duff s Gilby hangszert cserl a 'Paradise City' alatt. 1992 mjus 22. Budapest, Npstadion (We Will Rock You / Scarface, Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Tavaszi Szl Vizet Araszt, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Koncert Budapesten. A zenekar replgpe nem sokkal a koncert kezdete eltt rkezik meg a vrosba, ezrt rendri ksrettel jutnak ki a Npstadionba. Ennek a csszsnak ksznheten Slash szlszma kimarad az eladott dalok kzl. A 'Mr. Brownstone' eltt Axl gy szl: 'Kibaszott Budapest! Soha sem hittem vagy kpzeltem, hogy valaha is Budapesten fogok nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy itt lehetek ma este.' A 'You Could Be Mine' utn a Gn'R eladja a Tavaszi szl vzet raszt cm npdalt, melyet 1986-ban Freddie Mercury is elnekelt a magyar kznsgnek. A koncerten 70.000 nz van jelen. 1992 mjus 23. Bcs, Donauinsel Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, You Could Be Mine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Bad Obsession, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro], Sweet Child O' Mine, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A 'Live And Let Die' eltt Axl megkrdezi a kznsget, hogy Hitler gyermekkorban tnyleg ezt mondogatta-e magnak: 'lni s halni hagyni'. 1992 mjus 26. Berlin, Olimpiai Stadion (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 mjus 28. Stuttgart, Neckar Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, Don't Cry, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Az egyik legnagyobb nzszm koncert, 75.000 nz volt jelen. Axl gy mutatja be a 'Don't Cry'-t, mint 'valami, amit rnthettek a nmet kukoricapelyhetekre.' A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot Axl azoknak ajnlja, 'akik beavatkoztak a szabadsgotokba.' Axl a 'Civil War' egy sort gy mdostja: 'Look at the lies Slash is leading...', vagyis 'Nzd, a hazugsgokat, melyekkel Slash elll'. 1992 mjus 30. Kln, Mngersdorfer Stadion (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, So Fine, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 jnius 3. Hannover, Niedersachsenstadion (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, You Could Be Mine, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl gy mutatja be magt: 'Vltoz, a nevem, Mr. Vltoz Hangulat.' A 'Sweet Child O' Mine'-rl ezt mondja: 'Ez egy dal arrl, hogy seggbedugnak egy klsveggel.' 1992 jnius 6. Prizs, Hippodrome De Vincennes (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Always On The Run [Lenny Kravitz], Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mama Kin [Steven Tyler & Joe Perry], Train Kept A Rollin' [w/ Steven Tyler & Joe Perry], Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A koncertet kzvetti egy TV lloms s rdi llomsok is. Axl szidja Warren Beatty-t, aki Stephanie Seymour (Axl akkori bartnjnek) korbbi bartja volt. A koncerten fellpett Lenny Kravitz, Steven Tyler s Joe Perry az Aerosmith-bl. gy volt, hogy Jeff Beck is fellp s a 'Locomotive'-ot, de aztn lemondta a fellpst. 1992 jnius 13. London, Wembley Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, You Could Be Mine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Nightrain, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Tie Your Mother Down [w/ Brian May], We Will Rock You [w/ Brian May], Don't Cry, Paradise City) 1992 jnius 14. Manchester, vrosi fociplya (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Igen rvid koncert, mert Duff nagyon beteg. A 'Patience'-t Axl gy mutatja be: 'A kvetkez dalt Izzy Stradlin rta, valaki, akire nagyon haragszom, mert nagyon hinyzik nekem.' Ezen a koncerten Slash nem jtszik gitrszlt a 'Godfather Theme' eltt. 1992 jnius 16. Gateshead, Nemzetkzi Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, My Michelle, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, You Could Be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Since I Don't Have You [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A 'Live Ane Let Die' eltt valaki megsrl az els sorokban, ezrt Axl kri a kznsget, hogy nyugodjanak le. Axl a 'Since I Don't Have You'-t nekli a 'Sweet Child O' Mine' bevezetjeknt, valsznleg elszr. 1992 jnius 20. Wrzburg, Talavera-Mainwiese (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, Nightrain, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 jnius 21. Basel, St. Jakob Futballstadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 jnius 23. Rotterdam, Feyenoord Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Egy elg ers hang kznsg gylik ssze aznap este, ersen kiablnak a dalok kztt. A 'November Rain' utn AXl elmondja, hogy egy kicsit megerltette a hangjt Svjcban (jnius 21.), s azrt ksett aznap este, mert orvosi elltsban rszeslt. Mivel a koncert ksn kezddtt, a holland rendrk felszltottk a zenekart, hogy este fl 12-kor kikapcsoljk az ramot. Ekkor Axl azt mondja a kznsgnek, hogy ebben az esetben a rajongk olyan koszt csinlhatnak, amilyet csak akarnak s hibztassk rte a rendrsget. A 'Sweet Child O' Mine' eltt Axl megkrdezi a kznsget, hogy 'Mit gondoltok, ez itt St. Louis?...De brmi legyen is ez, ne hagyjtok ket nyerni!' A 'Don't Cry' eltt Axl ksznetet mond a kznsgnek s azt mondja, hogy k az egyik legjobb kznsg, amit valaha ltott s, hogy hangosabbak voltak, mint a Rock in Rio 140.000-es kznsge. 1992 jnius 27. Turin, Stadio Delle Alpi (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Welcome To The Jungle, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A zenekar els koncertje Olaszorszgban. Axl elmondja, hogy noha nem sokat tud az olasz kultrrl, szeretn megtanulni s szereti az olasz teleket. 1992 jnius 30. Sevilla, Estadio Benito Villamarin 1992 jlius 2. Liszabon, Alvalade Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, So Fine, Perfect Crime, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War [stopped], Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Obsession, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl elesik az 'It's So Easy' alatt s a dal tovbbi rszt fekve nekli. A kvetkez kt dalt is fekve tlti. A 'Live And Let Die' utn valaki a kznsgbl tzijtkot gyjt meg, ezrt Slash kri a kznsget, hogy nyugodjanak meg. A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot St. Louis emlkre jtsza a zenekar, mivel ppen akkor van az egyves vfordul. A 'Civil War' alatt a kznsg fklykat dobl, ezrt a koncert megll. A dalt ksbb a zenekar jra eljtsza. A koncert vgn Slash megkszni a kznsgnek, hogy 'ezt a koncertet az eurpai trn legklnsebb fellpsv tettk.' 1992 jlius 17. Washington, RFK Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Nightrain, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, You Could Be Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A Guns n' Roses - Metallica trn els llomsa. 1992 jlius 18. East Rutherford, Giants Stadion (Perfect Crime, Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl elnzst kr a technikai problmk miatt, amik ahhoz vezettek, hogy a Guns n' Roses ksbb kezdte a koncertet. A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot az elnkjellteknek kldi a zenekar. A bemutatkozsok alatt Axl jkedv utalst tesz Izzy-re. Az 'Estranged' utn Slash a 'Paradise City'-t kezdi jtszani, majd abbahagyja s Gilby elkezdi jtszani a 'Don't Cry'-t. 1992 jlius 21. Pontiac, Pontiac Silverdome (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Piano Solo, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 jlius 22. Indianapolis, Hoosier Dome (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Bad Obsession, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Piano Solo, November Rain, Sail Away Sweet Sister / The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Yesterdays, Don't Cry [w/ Shannon Hoon], Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 jlius 25. Orchard Park, Rich Stadion (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's So Easy, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Fallen Angel [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 jlius 26. Pittsburgh, Three Rivers Stadion (It's So Easy, Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Move To The City, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Piano Solo, November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl elmondja, hogy a kt dolog, amit Pittsburgh-rl tud, az az acl, amit ott gyrtanak s Terry Bradshaw (a Steelers zenekar tagja), akivel korbban gyakran kttt fogadst futballmeccsekre. Axl azt is elmondja, hogy eredetileg 3 zenekar lpett volna fel a koncerten: a Guns n' Roses, a Metallica s a Jane's Addiction. 1992 jlius 29. East Rutherford, Giants Stadium (Nightrain, Perfect Crime, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, So Fine, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Sail Away Sweet Sister / The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door) A 'Perfect Crime' utn a zenekar elkezdi jtszani a 'Mr. Brownstone'-t, de a zenekar hirtelen tvlt az 'It's So Easy'-re. A '92-es nyri trn alatt ritkn jtszott 'Rocket Queen' is helyet kap a dalok kztt, azonban ismeretlen okbl Axl a dal tbb sort nem nekli. Axl-t megdobjk egy g cigarettavggel a 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' alatt, ezrt Duff nekli tovbb a dalt s a zenekar nem is jtszik aznap este tbb dalt. 1992 augusztus 8. Montreal, Olimpiai Park (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Nightrain, Perfect Crime, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War) A Guns n' Roses trtnetben ez a msodik koncert, ami botrnyba fullad. A Metallica nekese, James Hetfield harmadfok gsi srlseket szenved, amikor a pirotechnikai elemek kz stl. A Guns n' Roses koncert alatt Axl elmondja, hogy a 'Perfect Crime' a cmad dala annak a videoanyagnak, amit a Guns n' Roses kiadni tervez a UYI koncertsorozatrl. A 'Double Talkin' Jive' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy ez lesz az utols koncertjk hossz idre. A 'Civil War' utn Axl ezt mondja: 'Ksznjk, a pnzeteket visszakapjtok, mi eltnnk innen.' Egy rendez jn a sznpadra s elmondja a kznsgnek, hogy a koncertnek vge. 1992 augusztus 25. Phoenix, International Raceway (Out Ta Get Me, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Attitude, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Piano Solo, November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A koncert alatt Axl elmondja, hogy milyen kr, hogy a Guns n' Roses s a Metallica annyira egytt akart koncertezni s, hogy most egyetlen ms zenekar sem akar fellpni a Guns n' Roses-szal. Axl a 'Civil War'-t Arizona llamnak kldi, hogy htha egyszer gy dntenek, hogy a Martin Luther King Nap szabadnap legyen az llamban. 1992 augusztus 27. Las Cruces, Aggie Memorial Stadion 1992 augusztus 29. New Orleans, Louisiana Superdome (Out Ta Get Me, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Nightrain, It's So Easy, Welcome To The Jungle, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Bad Obsession, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 2. Orlando, Citrus Bowl (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl a Nirvana-t s az alternatv zent szdja. 1992 szeptember 4. Houston, Astrodome 1992 szeptember 5. Irving, Texas Stadion 1992 szeptember 7. Columbia, Williams-Brice Stadion (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Bad Obsession, Nightrain, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Move To The City, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 9. Los Angeles, Pauley Pavilion MTV Video Music Awards. A sznfalak mgtt Axl sszetzsbe kerl Kurt Cobain-nel s felesgvel, Courtney Love-val. A Nirvana fellpse utn Kurt sztveri a hangfalakat, majd az sszedlt berendezsre felmszva integet s ez kiablja: 'Hi Axl, hi Axl!', vagyis 'Szia Axl!' A msor zrfellpse a Guns n' Roses, Elton John-nal kiegszlve s gy adjk el a 'November Rain'-t. 1992 szeptember 11. Foxboro, Foxboro Stadion (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Nightrain, Out Ta Get Me, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 13. Toronto, Exhibition Stadium (Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl a Nirvana-t szdja s elget egy Nirvana sapkt, mikzben a zenekar a 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' egy rszlett jtsza. 1992 szeptember 15. Minneapolis, Metrodome (Out Ta Get Me, Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 17. Kansas City, Arrowhead Stadion (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Out Ta Get Me, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A zenekar els fellpse Missouri-ban a St. Loius-i botrny ta. A 'Mr. Brownstone' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy fejkamert visel a koncert alatt, mert egy video-t akar gy kszteni. Axl az 'Out Ta Get Me'-t St. Louis-nak kldi s egy hossz monolgot tart az ott trtntekrl. A 'Mother' alatt ezt mondja: 'Ksznjk, hogy flelmetesek voltatok ma este s szeretnk titeket!' 1992 szeptember 19. Denver, Mile High Stadium (Welcome To The Jungle, So Fine, Attitude, Blues Jam, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Mr. Brownstone, Civil War, You Could Be Mine, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, November Rain, Sweet Child O' Mine, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 24. Oakland, Oakland Coliseum (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 27. Los Angeles, Los Angeles Coliseum (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, It's So Easy, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 szeptember 30. San Diego, Jack Murphy Stadion (Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Nightrain, Attitude, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Az els ngy dal az Appetite for Destruction-rl val. Axl bejelenti, hogy Slash hivatalosan aznap lett amerikai llampolgr. Axl viccesen hozzteszi: 'Furcsa, hogy ebbe az orszgba mr mindenkit beengednek. Br vrjunk csak, ezt itt San Diego, ti ezt mr tudhatjtok.' Slash ezt mondja: 'Egyszer az anym azt mondta nekem, hogy a gitrom a farkam meghosszabbtsa.' 1992 oktber 3. Pasadena, Rose Bowl (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Nightrain, Bad Obsession, Yesterdays, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 oktber 6. Seattle, Kingdome (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Bad Obsession, It's So Easy, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds / Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A Guns n' Roses - Metallica trn utols llomsa. Mivel kzelednek az amerikai vlasztsok, Axl kifejezi nemtetszst Bill Clinton irnt. Ezt kveten kitr Al Gore-ra s a felesgre is. A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot Axl Tipper Gore-nak kldi. Axl megkszni Seattle-nek a sok rock n' roll-t, amit a vros eddig a vilgnak adott. Ezutn a Nirvana-t s Kurt Cobain-t szidja, Courtney Love-ot kurvnak nevezve. Mg a koncert eltt a biztonsgi ember megkrdezte Axl-t, hogy van-e belpje a sznpad mg. 1992 november 25. Caracas, Poliedro de Caracas (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Yesterdays, November Rain, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 november 27. Bogota, Estadio El Campn 1992 november 30. Bogota, Estadio El Campn A koncerten a 'November Rain' alatt elkezdett zuhogni az es. Emiatt a koncert 20 percig llt. Axl egy ksbbi nyilatkozatban meghatotan emlkezett erre a koncertre. Ekkor mr 60 hete vezette a 'November Rain' kislemeze Kolumbiban a slgerlistt. 1992 december 2. Santiago, Estadio Nacional (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Piano Solo, November Rain, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Bad Obsession, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, The One [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ezt a koncertet a Chile-i televzi lben kzvettette. A koncerten Axl a tolmcson keresztl felhvta a nzk figyelmt, hogy ne dobljanak vegeket egymshoz, vagy abbahagyjk a show-t. Ksbb Slash a tolmcson keresztl krte a nzket, hogy nyugodjanak le. 1992 december 5. Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadion (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Blues Jam, Yesterdays, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Nightrain, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A koncertet kzvettette az argentn televzi. A 'Nightrain' s a 'You Could Be Mine' is flbeszakadt s Axl tolmcson keresztl krte a kznsget, hogy ne dobljanak dolgokat egymshoz. 1992 december 6. Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadion (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1992 december 10. Sao Paulo, Estacionamento Do Anhenbi (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Yesterdays, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, So Fine, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A 'Live And Let Die' ideiglenesen megszakad, mivel egy pr veszekedett a kznsg soraiban, gy Axl krte a biztonsgiakat, hogy lpjenek kzbe. A 'Double Talkin' Jive' eltt Axl ezt mondja: 'Most kaptam egy iromnyt, amely arra szlt fel, hogy mondjam azt nektek, hogy nem akartam eldobni azt a szket. Nos, n el akartam dobni s ha meg akarnak lltani doblni s doblni fogom, akrmennyit kell is eldobnom. Ez egy dal, a cme 'Double Talkin' Jive' Motherfucker!' A 'You Could Be Mine' szintn megakadt, mert valaki megdobta valamivel Axl-t. A 'Paradise City'-t a msodik versszaknl kellett meglltani, ekkor AXl ezt mondta: 'Viszlt s bassztok meg seggfejek!' A zenekar elhagyta a sznpadot. Ez azrt trtnt, mert valaki megdobta Matt Sorum-ot. Az MTV Brazil mindhrom '92-es koncertrl ksztett felvtelt, de egyiket sem mutatta be. 1992 december 12. Sao Paulo, Estacionamento Do Anhenbi (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Welcome To The Jungle, Yesterdays, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ez sokkal nyugodtabb koncert volt, mint a korbbi. Axl j hangulatban volt s a koncert alatt nha gy panaszkodott: 'Hol van a gitrom? A Shotgun Blues jn, hol a gitrom?...A Dead Horse-t akarom jtszani'. A 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' eltt Axl ezt krdezte Gilby-tl: 'Ismersz brazil csajokat? Jtszunk ezekkel a csajokkal a koncert utn!' Erre Gilby: 'n nem tehetem ember! Meg kell tanulnom egy Beatles szmot...' 1992 december 13. Rio de Janeiro, Autodromo (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Blues Jam, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Bad Obsession, It's Alright [Intro] / November Rain, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child, Knockin' On Heaven's Door) Elgg ideges hangulat koncert volt. Axl 5 perccel a koncert kezdete eltt rkezett meg s el is hagta a helysznt egybl a koncert utn. Nem is ltztt t a koncert alatt, ugyanabban a fehr plban fejezte be a show-t, amiben elkezdte. Duff, Slash s Gilby vgig a dobfelszerels mellett maradt a koncert alatt, csak Axl rohanglt a sznpadon. A koncert a 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door'-ral fejezdtt be, nem volt rads.

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2006-05-07 15:31:54

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ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses

20 éve jelent meg a Nintendo DS! Emlékezzünk meg ról, hisz olyan sok szép perccel ajándékozott meg minket a játékaival!    *****    Ha érdekelnek az animék,mangák,videojátékok, japán és holland nyelv és kultúra, akkor látogass el a személyes oldalamra.    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!    *****    Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kiköt&#245; felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!