AC/DC and Guns'N Roses
AC/DC and Guns'N Roses
Guns'N Roses
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Guns'N Roses
Rock Forever
Axl Rose
Brian Johnson

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Koncertek : 1991


  2006.03.17. 18:22


1991 janur 20. Rio de Janeiro, Maracana Stadion (Pretty Tied Up, Mr. Brownstone, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Godfather Theme, Double Talkin' Jive, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, It's So Easy, Guitar Solo, Civil War, Dead Horse, Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) Rock in Rio II. fesztivl. A brazil tv kzvettette a fellpst. Matt s Dizzy els fellpse a zenekarral. Msfl ve ez a Guns n' Roses els teljes koncertje s a nztren 140.000 ember tombol. 1991 janur 23. Rio de Janeiro, Maracana Stadion (Pretty Tied Up, Mr. Brownstone, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Nightrain, Godfather Theme, Double Talkin' Jive, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Drum Solo, You Could Be Mine, Civil War, Guitar Solo, Bad Apples, Its So Easy, Rocket Queen, Sweet Child O Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) A msodik rioi fellps 120.000 ember eltt. Ezt a fellpst is kzvettette a brazil tv s rdi. A zenekar elszr adja el a 'Bad Apples'-t. Axl azoknak a katonknak ajnlja a 'Civil War'-t, akik az blhborban harcolnak. 1991 mjus 9. San Francisco, Warfield Theatre (Pretty Tied Up, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, It's So Easy, Godfather Theme, Guitar Solo, Dead Horse, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Out Ta Get Me, Live And Let Die, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Perfect Crime, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Welcome To The Jungle, Sweet Child O' Mine, Paradise City) Ez az els titkos bemelegt koncert a Use Your Illusion trnra. Slash a 'Happy Birthday'-t jtsza Doug Goldstein-nek a gitrszlja sorn. 1991 mjus 11. Los Angeles, Pantages Theatre (Right Next Door To Hell, Mr. Brownstone, Dust N' Bones, Civil War, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, Live And Let Die, 14 Years, Yesterdays, Double Talkin' Jive, Patience, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Rocket Queen, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Bad Apples, You Ain't The First [w/ Shannon Hoon], It's So Easy, Bad Obsession, Don't Cry [w/ Shannon Hoon], Sweet Child O' Mine) A msodik titkos bemelegt koncert a Use Your Illusion trnra. Meghvott vendg Shannon Hoon a Blind Melon-bl. 1991 mjus 16. New York, The Ritz (Pretty Tied Up, Bad Obsession, Right Next Door To Hell, Mr. Brownstone, Dust N' Bones, Live And Let Die, Paradise City, Civil War, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, You Could Be Mine, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry [Shannon Hoon], You Ain't The First [Shannon Hoon], My Michelle, Estranged, Double Talkin' Jive, Sweet Child O' Mine, Welcome To The Jungle) A harmadik titkos bemelegt koncert a Use Your Illusion trnra. Meghvott vendg Shannon Hoon a Blind Melon-bl. Axl elmondja, hogy a 'Right Next Door To Hell' dal a szomszdjrl rdott. Slash elmondja, hogy ksztik a 'You Could Be Mine' klipjt, ami a Terminator 2. filmzenje lesz. A 'You Could Be Mine' utn Axl megkrdezi a kznsget, hogy 'Hallotttok valaha azt a kifejezst, hogy eltrni egy lbat? Nos, azt hiszem n most megtettem...' Valjban Axl sarka srlt meg s knytelen volt merevtst hasznlni a UYI trn els nhny hetben. A 'Welcome To The Jungle'-t a 3. utcai Pokol Angyalainak ajnljk. 1991 mjus 24. East Troy, Music Theatre (Right Next Door To Hell, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Live And Let Die, Estranged, Welcome To The Jungle, You Ain't The First, Sweet Child O' Mine, Paradise City) A Use Your Illusion trn els llomsa. A 'Right Next Door To Hell' elejn Matt vletlenl a 'Mr. Brownstone'-t kezdi el jtszani. A 'Mr. Brownstone' utn Axl a kvetkezket mondja: '...ez egy olyan dal, amit jval a 'Mr. Brownstone' eltt rtunk, de ugyanarrl szl s valami olyasmi a cme, hogy 'Bad Obsession'.' A 'Double Talkin' Jive' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy hogyan srlt meg s, hogy az orvosok hogyan segtettek rajta. A 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' alatt Axl elmondja, hogy ez a tmeg hangosabb, mint a Rock in Rio 140.000-es kznsge. 1991 mjus 25. East Troy, Music Theatre (Right Next Door To Hell, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, Civil War, My Michelle, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Live And Let Die, Welcome To The Jungle, Estranged, Paradise City, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine) 1991 mjus 28. Noblesville, Music Center (Perfect Crime, Out Ta Get Me, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, 14 Years, Mr. Brownstone, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Double Talkin' Jive, Dust N' Bones, Estranged, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Welcome To The Jungle, Paradise City) Koncert Axl s Izzy szlllamban, Indiana-ban. Axl elmondja, hogy neki olyan volt ott lakni, mintha Auschwitz-ban lt volna. 1991 mjus 29. Noblesville, Music Center (Right Next Door To Hell, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Civil War, 14 Years, Live And Let Die, It's So Easy, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Rocket Queen, Godfather Theme, November Rain, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Perfect Crime, Estranged, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Welcome To The Jungle, Paradise City) Mg mindig Indiana llamban jtszik a Guns n' Roses. A koncertrl kszlt videofelvteleket valaki ellopja a Guns n' Roses stbjtl. Axl a 'Civil War'-t minden, a kznsgben helyet foglal katonnak kldi. A 'November Rain' els l verzija. Axl gy fejezi be a koncertet: 'J jt s ksznm szlhazm!' 1991 jnius 1. Grove City, Capital Music Center 1991 jnius 2. Toledo, Toledo Speedway 1991 jnius 4. Richfield, Richfield Coliseum (Coma, Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Don't Cry, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, November Rain, My Michelle, Paradise City, Used To Love Her, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine) A 'Coma' elszr szerepel a vlasztkban. Axl elmondja, hogy az ex-menedzser, Alan Niven gondoltata volt a koncerttrn az album megjelense eltt. Axl szidja a Mtley Cre-t. 1991 jnius 5. Richfield, Richfield Coliseum (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Double Talkin' Jive, Dust N' Bones, Don't Cry, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Pretty Tied Up, November Rain, 14 Years, You Could Be Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Live And Let Die, Estranged, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Paradise City) Slash-nek ezer dollrt kellett fizetnie, mert a 'Nightrain'-nel kezdte a koncertet. Axl elmondja, hogy milyen jl rzi magt s hogy hogyan szvott opiumot Sebastian Bach-al egy repln. Axl arra is kitr, hogy a Nine Inch Nails zenje nlkl mr tladagolta volna magt s halott lenne. A 'Knockin' On Heavens Door'-t a zenekar annak a Cleveland-i rajongnak ajnlja, aki meghalt s Guns n' Roses plban temettk el. Axl az els sorban l nzket megkrdezi, hogy mennyit fizettek a jegyrt. Azt a vlaszt kapja, hogy 125 dollrt. Ezutn Axl a jegyzreket szdja. 1991 jnius 7. Toronto, CNE Grandstand (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, 14 Years, Double Talkin' Jive, It's So Easy, Dust N' Bones, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Don't Cry, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, November Rain, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, You're Crazy [w/ Sebastian Bach], Nightrain, Back Off Bitch, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Used To Love Her, Paradise City) Vendg: Sebastian Bach. Egy nagyon ritkn jtszott dal, a 'Back Off Bitch' is eladsra kerl, amit Axl szerint 1981-ben rtak. Axl elmesli, hogy amikor utojra Toronto-ban trnztak a The Cult-tal s az Iron Maiden-nel, elg rvid koncertjeik voltak, mivel az Appetite for Destruction be volt tltva, gy a kznsge nem ismerheti azokat a dalokat. Az 'Estranged' eltt Axl elmondja a kznsgnek, hogy az utols vonat a vrosbl 5 perc mlva indul. Kitr arra is, hogy Slash-nek elz este 1.000 dollrt kellett fizetnie, amirt a betiltott 'Nightrain'-t kezdte el jtszani. 1991 jnius 8. Toronto, CNE Grandstand (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, My Michelle, Don't Cry, 14 Years, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Pretty Tied Up, You're Crazy [Sebastian Bach], Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, You Ain't The First, Used To Love Her, Yesterdays, Paradise City, Welcome To The Jungle) Axl elmondja a kznsgnek, hogy mennyivel tbben vannak, mint az elz este. Axl megemlti, hogy 4 vvel azeltt mr akarta jtszani a 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door'-t, csak azrt, hogy ez a generci is megismerje ezt a dalt. A 'Welcome To The Jungle' egy ritka verzija zrta a koncertet. A zenekar mg nagyon az elejn jrt a UYI trnnak, gy ksrleteztek a koncerten eladott dalok sszettelvel. A koncert alatt egy rajong szabadul a sznpadra s Axl-re tmad. A biztonsgiak elkapjk a rajongt s Axl ktszer beletapos, mieltt kiviszik a sznpadrl. 1991 jnius 10. Saratoga Springs, Arts Center (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Double Talkin' Jive, Dust N' Bones, Bad Obsession, It's So Easy, Dead Horse, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, 14 Years, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, My Michelle, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Live And Let Die, Estranged, Yesterdays, Paradise City) Vendg: Sebastian Bach. A koncert alatt Axl elmondja, hogy 'milyen szomor', hogy a Poison zenekar aznap feloszlott. Ritka pillanatok egyike, amikor a zenekar eladja a 'Dead Horse'-t koncerten. Axl kri a kznsget, hogy kiabljk, hogy 'Get In The Ring', amelyet rgztenek s felhasznlnak a dal ksztsekor. Azt is elmondja, hogy a dalt elz nap Torontoban, egy studioban nekeltk fel. 1991 jnius 11. Hershey, Park Stadion (Nightrain, Double Talkin' Jive, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Civil War, It's So Easy, Dust N' Bones, Welcome To The Jungle, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Used To Love Her, Live And Let Die, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Pretty Tied Up, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot tl hamar kezdi jtszani a zenekar, ezrt Axl kromkodni kezd. A koncert alatt, mg Duff kezet fog a kznsg tagjaival, valaki megvgja a kezt egy borotvapengvel. Axl kri, hogy mutassa meg a kznsg, hogy ki volt az, hogy sztrghassa a seggt. 1991 jnius 13. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Spectrum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Double Talkin' Jive, Nightrain, It's So Easy, Dust N' Bones, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, November Rain, Live And Let Die, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Pretty Tied Up, 14 Years, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Paradise City) 1991 jnius 17. Uniondale, Nassau Coliseum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Nightrain, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Live And Let Die, 14 Years, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) Axl elmondja, hogy a Geffen mennyire srgeti ket az j album megjelentetsvel. Emellet kri a kznsget, hogy lopjanak maguknak egyet a Rolling Stone legjabb szmbl, aminek k vannak a cmlapjn. Megkrdezi a kznsget, hogy hny embernek van meg mr a 'November Rain' kalzfelvtele, mita jtszk azt a konceteken. Azt is elmondja, hogy minl tbb j dalt jtszanak, annl tbb kalzkazettt adnak el. 1991 jnius 19. Landover, Capitol Centre (Pretty Tied Up, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Perfect Crime, Civil War, Live And Let Die, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door) Axl rkilt a rajongkra, akik az j dalok helyett az Appetite for the Destruction dalokat akarjk hallani. jbl kitr arra, hogy a Geffen erlteti az j album megjelenst. A 'Civil War' vge fel Axl leugrik a sznpadrl s megllt egy biztonsgi embert, aki ppen egy rajongt kszl megverni. A koncert korn befejezdik a helyi kijrsi tilalom miatt. 1991 jnius 20. Landover, Capitol Centre (Pretty Tied Up, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Perfect Crime, Dust N' Bones, Live And Let Die, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Civil War, Move To The City, 14 Years, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) Slash s Axl elmondja, hogy a 'Move To The City'-t 3 ve nem jtszottk. Ksbb Axl Alan Niven-t a zenekar korbbi menedzsert szdja. Azt is megemlti, hogy legutbb, mikor a 'You Could Be Mine'-t jtszottk, elfelejtette a dalszveget s a kies rszekben ennyit nekelt: 'suck my dick', vagyis 'kapd be a farkam'. 1991 jnius 22. Hampton, Hampton Coliseum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Double Talkin' Jive, Right Next Door To Hell, Nightrain, It's So Easy, Out Ta Get Me, Dust N' Bones, Civil War, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Live And Let Die, 14 Years, Move To The City, Used To Love Her, My Michelle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Pretty Tied Up, You Ain't The First, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) 3 ra hosszs koncert. A 'Right Next Door To Hell' alatt valaki egy veget dob a sznpadra, Axl gy reagl: 'Get in the ring motherfucker!' 1991 jnius 23. Charlotte, Charlotte Coliseum 1991 jnius 25. Greensboro, Greensboro Coliseum A Guns n' Roses 1 rs ksssel, 10 rakor kezdi el a show-t. A kznsg egy rsze mr hazament, gy res helyektl ttong a nztr. Axl kri a kznsget, hogy nzzk el, ha nhol egy kicsit tl lazn jtszanak, de mg k is csak most tanuljk az j dalokat. Ksbb Axl invitlja a hrbb lket, hogy jjjenek elrbb a drgbb lhelyekre. 1991 jnius 26. Knoxville, Thompson-Bowling Center 1991 jnius 29. Lexington, Rupp Arena (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Welcome To The Jungle, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Estranged, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, November Rain, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, My Michelle, 14 Years, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Sweet Child O' Mine, Paradise City) Az 'Estranged'-et szokatlanul korn jtsza a zenekar. A 'Pretty Tied up' utn Axl megkrdezi az els sorban lket, hogy mennyit fizettek a koncertjegyekrt. A vlasz: 20-tl 100 dollrig. 1991 jnius 30. Birmingham, Race Course (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Welcome To The Jungle, Bad Obsession, Blues Jam, Double Talkin' Jive, Dust N' Bones, Nightrain, Civil War, It's So Easy, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) 1991 jlius 2. St. Louis, Riverport Amphitheatre (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, You Could Be Mine, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Double Talkin' Jive, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Civil War, 14 Years, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen) Ez a koncert botrnyba fulladt. A koncert elejn Axl elmesl egy trtnetet arrl, amikor 17 vesen busszal utazott St. Louis-ba. A 'Rocket Queen' alatt Axl kiszr egy rajongt, akik fnykpeket kszt. Utastja a biztonsgi embereket, hogy vegyk el a gpet, amit k nem tesznek meg. Ezt kveten Axl beugrik a tmegbe s megpofozza a rajongt. Ezt kveten visszamegy a sznpadra s ennyit mond: 'Ksznheten a bna, segg biztonsgiaknak, most hazamegyek.' (Axl fldhz vgja a mikrofont s lemegy a sznpadrl.) A zenekar tbbi tagja kveti Axl-t. A jelenet utn tmegverekeds kezddik St. Louis-ban. Tbben megsrlnek s jelents kr keletkezik. 1991 jlius 8. Dallas, Starplex Amphitheatre (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Welcome To The Jungle, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, November Rain, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, 14 Years, Double Talkin' Jive, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Paradise City) Az els koncert a St. Louis-i botrny ta. Az els dal eltt Axl rkilt a kznsgre, mert azok klnbz trgyakat doblnak a sznpadra. A 'Paradise City' utn Axl gy szl: 'Fuck you St. Louis and God bless America!', vagyis 'Baszd meg St. Louis s Isten ldja Amerikt!' A koncert kevesebb, mint kt rs. 1991 jlius 9. Dallas, Starplex Amphitheatre 1991 jlius 11. Denver, McNichols Sports Arena (You Could Be Mine, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Perfect Crime, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Rocket Queen, Civil War, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Double Talkin' Jive, 14 Years, My Michelle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Knockin On Heaven's Door, Used To Love Her, Estranged, Pretty Tied Up, Sweet Child O' Mine, Paradise City) A koncert rendhagy mdon a 'You Could Be Mine'-nal kezddik. Axl elmond egy trtnet arrl, hogy West Arkeen mirl is rta a 'Bad Obsession'-t. Axl ideiglenesen megszaktja a 'Dust N' Bones'-t, hogy kirgasson egy nzt a nztrrl, aki az ujjt mutogatja neki. 1991 jlius 12. Englewood, Starplex Amphitheatre 1991 jlius 13. Salt Lake City, Salt Palace 1991 jlius 16. Tacoma, Tacoma Dome (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Nightrain, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, 14 Years, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) Axl elmondja, hogy ez a legjobb zrttri kznsg, amit valaha ltott s, hogy az elz, Salt Lake City-i koncerten a rajongk milyen bnk voltak. Axl feltart egy transzparenst, amit a Tacoma-i rendrsg adott neki s, amin ez ll: 'Fuck the St. Louis Police Department', azaz 'A St. Louis-i rendrsg le van szarva'. A 'Rocket Queen' utn a koncert ideiglenesen lell, mivel valaki a sznpadra dobott valamit. 1991 jlius 17. Tacoma, Tacoma Dome 1991 jlius 19. Mountain View, Amphitheatre (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Nightrain, Dust N' Bones, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle, November Rain, 14 Years, Double Talkin' Jive, Locomotive, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) Axl megemlti, hogy a '14 Years' egy dal annak emlkre, hogy s Izzy 14 ve jtszanak egytt. Valsznleg els alkalommal adja el a zenekar a 'Locomotive'-ot. 1991 jlius 20. Mountain View, Amphitheatre (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Nightrain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) 1991 jlius 23. Sacramento, ARCO Arena 1991 jlius 25. Costa Mesa, Pacific Amphitheatre (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, 14 Years, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Instrumental Jam) 1991 jlius 29. Inglewood, Great Western Forum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, 14 Years, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, My Michelle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Don't Cry, Estranged, Paradise City) 1991 jlius 30. Inglewood, Great Western Forum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, You Could Be Mine, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Civil War, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, 14 Years, Locomotive, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, It's So Easy, Paradise City) 1991 augusztus 2. Inglewood, Great Western Forum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, It's So Easy, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, 14 Years, Don't Cry [Alt. Lyrics] [Shannon Hoon], Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) Vendg: Shannon Hoon. A 'You Could Be Mine' eltt Axl gy kilt: 'This one's for Arnold!', vagyis 'Szljon ez Arnold-nak!' A 'Don't Cry' Alt. Lyrics verzija szl, valsznleg elszr. 1991 augusztus 3. Inglewood, Great Western Forum (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Right Next Door To Hell, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, It's So Easy, Yesterdays, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, My Michelle, 14 Years, Nightrain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, Rocket Queen, Don't Cry [ Shannon Hoon], Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, You Ain't The First [ Shannon Hoon], Used To Love Her, Move To The City, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, You're Crazy [Sebastian Bach], Locomotive, Out Ta Get Me, Dead Horse, Estranged, Paradise City) A leghosszabb koncert a UYI trnrl. A zenekar nem akarta elhagyni a sznpadot. Az Appetite For Destruction-rl 10 dalt jtszottak. Vendgek: Shannon Hoon s Sebastian Bach. A koncert hajnali 3 ra 36 perckor r vget s majdnem 4 ra hossz. 1991 augusztus 13. Helsinki, Jahalli (Mr. Brownstone, Perfect Crime, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Civil War, Double Talkin' Jive, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Welcome To The Jungle [Instrumental] , 14 Years, Drum Solo, Godfather Theme, Welcome To The Jungle, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) Ez a UYI trn els eurpai llomsa. A 'Welcome To The Jungle' szinte vgig nek nlkl megy, mert valami trtnt Axl-lel. Ezt kveten a zenekar eljtsza a '14 Years.'-t Axl nlkl. Ksbb Axl visszatr s a zenekar eljtsza a 'Welcome To The Jungle'-t jbl. 1991 augusztus 14. Helsinki, Jahalli (Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Welcome To The Jungle, Estranged, Paradise City) Axl elmondja, hogy egy kzeli bart, Mike Monroe is jtszani fog az albumon a 'Bad Obsession'-ben. 1991 augusztus 16. Stokholm, Globen (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, Paradise City) 1991 augusztus 17. Stokholm, Globen (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Nightrain, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, 14 Years, My Michelle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) Axl azt mondja a kznsgnek, hogy killni a sznpadra egyet jelent a meneklssel az let ell. Elmondja mg, hogy a rajongk nagy nyomst jelentettek azirnyba, hogy leszokjanak a drogokrl s, hogy sszeszedjk magukat. Megemlti, hogy tl sok idt tlttt Lars Ulrich-al, mert azt itte, hogy az eurpaiak mindig rszegek. 1991 augusztus 19. Koppenhga, Forum (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed / The Black Widow [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, My Michelle, Estranged, Paradise City) Egy petrdt dobnak a sznpadra a 'Sweet Child o' Mine' alatt, ezrt a zenekar elhagyja a sznpadot. Viszajnnek, miutn a 'bnst' elfogtk. Axl a 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' eltt nekel nhny sort Alice Cooper 'The Black Widow' cm dalbl. 1991 augusztus 24. Mannheim, Mimarktgelnde (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Dust N' Bones, Live And Let Die, Civil War, Double Talkin' Jive, It's So Easy, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Nightrain, Yesterdays, 14 Years, My Michelle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) 1991 augusztus 31. London, Wembley Stadion (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Bad Obsession, Welcome To The Jungle, Live And Let Die, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Nightrain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, 14 Years, My Michelle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) Izzy utols fellpse a zenekarral. Axl A 'Double Talkin' Jive'-ot a Kerrang! magazinnak kldi. Axl megkszni a kznsgnek, hogy 3 vvel azeltt segtett nekik leforgatni a 'Paradise City'-t Donington-ban. 1991 december 5. Worcester, Centrum Centre (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Bad Obsession, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, So Fine, It's So Easy, Move To The City, Don't Cry, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Ez a Use Your Illusion megjelense utni els koncert. Ez egyben Gilby Clarke els fellpse is a zenekarral. Axl elmondja, hogy a 'Live And Let Die' video kvetkez vasrnap kerl bemutatsra. Elszr adjk el az 'Attitude'-t, a 'So Fine'-t, s a 'Wild Horses'-t. A 'Rocket Queen' alatt Axl azt mondja, hogy marihuana szagot rez. Slash azt mondja, hogy nem akarja megbntani egyetlen vros rock n' roll kznsgt sem, 'de Ti fik kurva jk vagytok!' 1991 december 6. Worcester, Centrum Centre (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Welcome To The Jungle, Live And Let Die, Attitude, So Fine, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], Don't Cry, Move To The City, Breakdown, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain, Bad Obsession, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, You Could Be Mine, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl megkszni a kznsgnek, hogy a koncertek olyan gyorsan telthzasok lettek. A 'Double Talkin' Jive' eltt Axl elmondja, hogy a sajtban sok cikk jelent meg a 'Get In The Ring'-rl. Kifejti, hogy nagyon bszke a dalra s, hogy Duff llt el a dal tletvel. Az, hogy mgsem adjk el azrt van, mert az magrt beszl az albumon. A 'Rocket Queen' alatt Axl elmesli, hogy az 'It Tastes Good, Don't It?' cm dal nhny vvel azeltt kszlt, amikor is a banda megprblta kirgatni magt az Iron Maiden trnrl. Elszr itt adjk el a 'Breakdown'-t. Az 'Estanged' eltt Axl megemlti, hogy Boston belopta magt az egsz zenekar szvbe, mert az Aerosmith dalain nttek fel. 1991 december 9. New York, Madison Square Garden (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, So Fine, It's So Easy, Don't Cry [w/ Shannon Hoon], Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Move To The City, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], Piano Solo, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) A zenekar els fellpse a Madison Square Garden-ben. Vendg: Shannon Hoon. Axl a keleti part rossz sajtjz szdja, elssorban Bob Guccione-t a Spin magazintl. Szintn kifejti, hogy azok az emberek, akiket a 'Get In The Ring'-el felidegestett, megprbltk meglni Los Angelesben. Axl elmondja, hogy nincs szksg arra, hogy a 'Get In The Ring'-et jtszk, mert - hasonlan a 'One In A Million'-hoz - az llspontjt mr kifejtette az albumon. Azt is megemltette, hogy 24.000 dollr brsgot kell fizetnik, ha tllpik a koncertre sznt idt. 1991 december 10. New York, Madison Square Garden (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, My Michelle, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Don't Cry [w/ Shannon Hoon], Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, So Fine, You Could Be Mine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Pretty Tied Up, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain, Move To The City, Yesterdays, Rocket Queen [w/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?], Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Vendg: Shannon Hoon. Axl megkszni a kznsgnek, hogy 2 dalukat szavaztk aznap este az els kt helyre az MTV Most Wanted napi slgerlistjn. Axl a Circus s Spin magazinokat szidja, a magazin rtkestit 'kvr maffia szopsoknak' nevezve. Azoknak, akik Izzy-t szeretnk hallani zenlni Axl azt zeni, hogy 'menjenek el Indiana-ba s halgassk meg Izzy-t a garzsban jtszani, ahelyett, hogy itt lenne s velnk jl rezn magt.' A 'Move To The City' eltt Axl kifejti, hogy eddig 12.000 dollr brsgot fizettek azrt mert tl hossz koncertet adtak. 1991 december 13. New York, Madison Square Garden (Perfect Crime, Mr. Brownstone, Welcome To The Jungle, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Attitude, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, You Could Be Mine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, So Fine, Nightrain, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Breakdown, Move To The City, Don't Cry, Locomotive, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Paradise City) 1991 december 16. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Spectrum (It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, You Could Be Mine, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Nightrain, Don't Cry, Move To The City, Piano Solo, November Rain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Rocket Queen, Don't It?], Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven' s Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) Axl megkrdezi a kznsget, hogy meglepdtek-e azon, hogy ilyen hamar viszontltjk a zenekart Philadelphia-ban. Hozzteszi, hogy, ha nem ment volna Los Angeles-be, egy gyrban dolgozna Indiana-ban. Kitr arra is, hogy sok kritika ri a 'Don't Cry' cm dalt azzal kapcsolatban, hogy az nem igazi Guns n' Roses dal, pedig ez volt az els szerzemny, amit a zenekar egytt hozott ssze. Axl elmondja, hogy Duff mr majdnem befejezte a szlalbumt s, hogy az egy ven bell megjelenik. Az 'Estranged' alatt Axl Mikulssapkt visel. A koncert hajnali 2 ra 10 perckor fejezdik be. 1991 december 17. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Spectrum (Nightrain, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, So Fine, Attitude, You Could Be Mine, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, It's So Easy, Don't Cry, Piano Solo, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Welcome To The Jungle, Move To The City, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) 1991 december 28. St. Petersburg, Suncoast Dome (To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Nightrain, Attitude, Don't Cry, You Could Be Mine, So Fine, Bad Obsession, November Rain, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Rocket Queen, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knocking On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Move To The City, Mother [Intro] / Paradise City) A 'Nightrain' eltt Axl megkrdezi a kznsget: 'Szp Karcsonyotok volt? Mert mg ha az is volt, most megprbljuk fllmlni.' 1991 december 31. Miami, Joe Robbie Stadion (Welcome To The Jungle, Mr. Brownstone, Live And Let Die, Attitude, Nightrain, Bad Obsession, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, It's So Easy, Wild Horses [Intro] / Patience, Rocket Queen, Piano Solo, November Rain, You Could Be Mine, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Sail Away Sweet Sister / Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, Don't Cry, Move To The City, Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Estranged, Paradise City) Nagyszer szilveszteri koncert. Axl az jvi fogadalmakrl beszl. Slash a 'Rocket Queen'-t Miami-nak kldi, mint 'Boldog j vet' dalt. A 'Paradise City' tlg az j vbe gy, hogy Axl visszafel szmol jflkor a dal vge kzben.

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Melyik a kedvenc ROCK eggyttesed???

Guns'n Roses
System of a down
Bon Jovi
Deep purple
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trld ki!!!
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Ki a kedvenced a Guns N' Roses/bl?

Axl Rose
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Induls: 2006-03-12
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Hogyan halt meg Bon Scott?

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2006-05-07 15:31:54

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2006-05-15 20:07:36

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ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses
ACDC and Guns N Roses

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